SYG offers the lowest prices in Australia for Fire Retardant garage door seals. One of the reasons SYG was founded, was in response to the price gouging by local companies supplying cheap imported alternatives, inflating prices and falsely branding them as Australian made. This practice continues today. To our knowledge, none of the major suppliers who switched years ago from the German made Hahl material to the cheaper Chinese imports have ever informed their clients that they were doing so. This is not a dig at China - some of our packaging materials come from there - its related to the quality of the products themselves. We are one of - if not the last - supplier to actually use the German made Hahl material. Our pricing has remained unchanged for over 3 years. However, the cost of raw materials, logistics and labour has continued to escalate to the point where it has become impossible for us to absorb. Consequently, we will unfortunately be implementing a price increase for all orders received as of the 1st July 2021.
Avoid the increase by getting your orders in before Thursday 1st July!
Thank you to all our wonderful customers for your continued support!